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Building Professionals logomark

Fostering Professionalism in Students Through Writing

Be a part of the new student section in Radiologic Technology and Radiation Therapist!

  • What traits or skills do radiologic technologists need to be successful?
  • Tips for preparing a student for their first clinical rotation. How do you get the most out of your clinical rotation?
  • How to write a great resume and build a stand-out portfolio. What goes in each? What should the student focus on?
  • Why is it important to have a mentor? How do you get one? What does the mentorship process look like?

Check Out ÁùºÏ²Ê¿â±¦µä Author Guide
  • What is mindfulness and how does it affect patient care? What practices can radiologic technologists implement in the clinic?
  • Pick one to three procedures and explain why mastering them is important. Are they common procedures? Do they require a specific skill set? Do they pertain to a particular patient population? Also include a brief overview of how best to accomplish them.
  • Did you complete a clinical rotation? What are three to five skills necessary for a successful clinical rotation? Communication? Accepting constructive feedback? Willingness to fail?
  • What is the student’s responsibility during clinical rotations? How do you get the most out of your clinical rotation?

Check Out ÁùºÏ²Ê¿â±¦µä Author Guide
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It only takes a few minutes.

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Bonus You might be eligible for a grant from the ÁùºÏ²Ê¿â±¦µä Foundation. Visit for more information.
